What is Tummy Time and why is it important?

What is Tummy Time and why is it important?

Any time your baby is supervised and positioned on the stomach for play, that is considered tummy time! The American Academy of Pediatrics formally recommends that parents provide babies with supervised playtime on the stomach to promote growth and development and prevent flat spots from forming on the head. My research has revealed that approximately … Read more about What is Tummy Time and why is it important?

10 Ways parenting in the U.K. Is different from the U.S.

10 Ways parenting in the u.K. Is different from the u.S.

The other day I was having a “get to know you” lunch with a group of other British moms who have kids the same age as my 4-year-old daughter. Somehow the subject of childbirth came up — who had C-sections, who had a water birth — and then one amazing mom mentioned she did it all with just “gas and … Read more about 10 Ways parenting in the U.K. Is different from the U.S.

Even though the world has changed, we can still raise good kids.

Even though the world has changed, we can still raise good kids

Sometimes the world our kids are growing up in feels totally foreign to us as parents. When we were little, entertainment was playing outside or watching Saturday morning cartoons. These days, kids have 24/7 access to television, movies, video games, and more. By the age of 12, the majority of kids in America have cell phones, and nearly all kids have … Read more about Even though the world has changed, we can still raise good kids.

New study confirms rear-facing car seats are safest, even if you’re hit from behind

New study confirms rear-facing car seats are safest, even if you’re hit from behind

If you’re an ’80s kid like me, you probably grew up rolling around in the “way-back” of your parents’ station wagon on family road trips. Chances are you were out of a car seat before your toddler years. And who knows if you used a booster. Well, as all 21st-century parents know, things are different now. We know … Read more about New study confirms rear-facing car seats are safest, even if you’re hit from behind

What if your child is the one doing the bullying? 6 steps you can take

What if your child is the one doing the bullying 6 steps you can take

One in four children in America is bullied each year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Bullying is a serious issue that can impact a child’s grades, erode self-worth, and lead to long-term emotional and mental health issues. Ask any parent who has been through it: seeing your child become the target of bullying … Read more about What if your child is the one doing the bullying? 6 steps you can take

Are judgmental people harming you and your family?

Are judgmental people harming you and your family?

Imagine a world where good parents don’t feel they are under attack. There are no hovering neighbors or relatives preaching their views about the right way to raise a child. There are no cutting remarks or small-minded, hostile gossip campaigns. No simplistic, one-size-fits-all pronouncements; no nasty, anonymous blog comments; no authority figures who misuse their … Read more about Are judgmental people harming you and your family?

Why are kids losing sleep?

Why are kids losing sleep?

If you worry that your child isn’t getting enough sleep, you are not alone. For years, organizations like the National Sleep Foundation have warned the kids are getting less sleep than they need, and the consequences could be serious. Poor sleep is linked with bad concentration, health problems, and trouble at school. But how badly … Read more about Why are kids losing sleep?

Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid?

Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid

Some babies are mellow, others are high-strung. And some babies seem prone to anger. Do these early behavioral differences tell us which kids will become defiant and aggressive? It might seem obvious that an angry baby will become an angry, aggressive child. But when it comes to aggression, your baby’s moods may be less important … Read more about Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid?

Kids aren’t passive players in their own development

Kids aren’t passive players in their own development

Some people say it’s mostly about genes. Others argue for the power of the environment. But the reality is complex. Research shows that genes and environmental factors aren’t just “added together” to make a person. Instead, they interact. For instance, experiments on rodents suggest that differences in upbringing can switch certain genes “on” or “off.” And … Read more about Kids aren’t passive players in their own development