Aggressive toddler? Don’t be so quick to blame parenting

Aggressive toddler Don’t be so quick to blame parenting

Some toddlers get mad easily. They are quick to hit, bite, kick, or fight with people when they don’t get their way. Are their parents doing something wrong? It’s tempting to be judgmental, particularly if you haven’t been challenged by a physically aggressive toddler yourself. But a new study adds support to the idea that … Read more about Aggressive toddler? Don’t be so quick to blame parenting

Why are so many breastfeeding babies low on vitamin D?

Why are so many breastfeeding babies low on vitamin D?

Vitamin D, the “sunshine hormone,” is vital for bone health, and it might be important in other ways, too. Recent studies suggest that newborns with poor vitamin D status suffer diminished immune function. Preliminary research has also linked vitamin D insufficiency with an increased risk of autoimmune disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. And as I’ve noted in … Read more about Why are so many breastfeeding babies low on vitamin D?

Low vitamin D triggers early puberty in girls?

Low vitamin D triggers early puberty in girls

Around the world, pediatricians, researchers, and parents have noticed a worrying trend. Girls are entering puberty, and experiencing their first menstruation, much earlier in life. What’s the right age? There’s no hard and fast rule. But if we want to know what used to be normal, cross-cultural and historical studies supply the answer. For most … Read more about Low vitamin D triggers early puberty in girls?